Screening Tool for Reported Incidents of Bullying
In the Companion Guide for the 8 Keys to End Bullying Activity Book, I offer professionals and parents a tool for screening reports of bullying and determining an initial course of action. The Screening Tool, available for download below, may be used in schools, youth organizations, small groups, homes, or any setting in which allegations of bullying occur regularly and responsible adults need to discern between levels of aggression, in order to respond appropriately.
As the directions indicate, “Yes” responses to the four questions give a strong indication that bullying behavior has occurred and needs to be more thoroughly investigated by a a trained professional, such as a School Administrator or Counselor.
“No” responses, on the other hand, indicate that a problematic behavior that has not risen to the level of bullying has likely occurred. These behaviors are likely best addressed by the adult who receives the report from the child, according to school, group, or family rules.
All young people deserve their reports of bullying behavior to be taken seriously by adults. Whether or not the behavior is determined to be bullying, all children benefit from feeling heard and understood.
Click here to download the Screening Tool for Allegations of Bullying
The full form and directions are featured in the 8 Keys to End Bullying Companion Guide, available for purchase here.