Parenting the Challenging Child

Based on Life Space Crisis Intervention principles and Signe’s latest book, Parenting the Challenging Child: The 4-Step Way to Turn Problem Situations Into Learning Opportunities, this training offers parents & caregivers:

  • Specific skills for building more positive relationships with kids
  • A clear understanding of what is happening in a young person’s brain during periods of stress
  • Proven strategies for de-escalating stressful situations
  • A reliable 4-step framework for turning common problem situations into lasting learning opportunities
Zoom trainings available!  Email Signe for details: (

2-hour Training for Parents & Caregivers

This course presents fundamental LSCI concepts such as the Conflict cycle™, effective listening, conflict de-escalation, and “Timeline” skills through engaging activities and discussions that are relevant and accessible to parents and caregivers.

Click here to read feedback on the 2-hour program from a Resource Home Evaluator.

For information on purchasing this curriculum for your organization or families, email


Full-day Training Parents & Caregivers

This course includes all of the content from the 2-hour course and, in addition, identifies the six most common patterns of challenging behavior in kids. The full-day training provides parents with a consistent 4-step process to address and modify each pattern, giving attendees the opportunity to practice the 4-steps and receive feedback on their new skills.

Order Your Copy

Parenting the Challenging Child is also available as a stand-alone resource for parents and caregivers.  Visit for further details and to purchase your copy.



To book a training event at your school or organization, use the Contact Form or email


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