Archive for February, 2011

>Passive Aggressive Facebook Posts


>Just saw this deliciously passive aggressive posting on Facebook:

A designer baby clothes boutique is partnering with me to reach out to the parents in their community.  This season, as you do your holiday shopping for friends and family with young kids, please check them out for their great selection of unique headbandsinfant hats and baby tutus

>Passive Aggressive Facebook Posts


>Just saw this deliciously passive aggressive posting on Facebook:

A designer baby clothes boutique is partnering with me to reach out to the parents in their community.  This season, as you do your holiday shopping for friends and family with young kids, please check them out for their great selection of unique headbandsinfant hats and baby tutus

>Massaging Numb Values on The Middle


>For my Life Space Crisis Intervention colleagues and those who have completed LSCI training–

Here is a great Massasging Numb Values clip from ABC’s The Middle, featuring Sue Heck feeling overwhelmed with guilt and begging for punishment…

My Baby Clothes Boutique has partnered with me to provide articles to the parenting community. Check out their site the next time you need adorable baby clothes, photo perfect baby headbands, or even just a warm baby hat for winter. They have it all!

>Massaging Numb Values on The Middle


>For my Life Space Crisis Intervention colleagues and those who have completed LSCI training–

Here is a great Massasging Numb Values clip from ABC’s The Middle, featuring Sue Heck feeling overwhelmed with guilt and begging for punishment…

My Baby Clothes Boutique has partnered with me to provide articles to the parenting community. Check out their site the next time you need adorable baby clothes, photo perfect baby headbands, or even just a warm baby hat for winter. They have it all!

>What’s Your Anger Expression Style?


>Is your daughter the type to come right out and tell you when she is feeling angry? Does she stuff her anger inside? Perhaps she is most likely to express her feelings in sneaky ways. Or maybe, when she is mad, the whole world knows about it—and better step aside! Whatever your child’s anger style, chances are she has developed it over the years and modeled it after…gulp…much-loved family members.

Click on the link below to complete an Anger Expression Style Quiz I developed for the website Mom It Forward:

What’s Your Anger Expression Style? Take This Quiz to Find Out

A designer clothes boutique has partnered with me to help bring articles about parenting, bullying, and anger-expression styles to their community.  The next time you are in the market for trendy baby clothing, including unique headbands, baby hats, and fashion-forward pettiskirts and tutus for little ones, please check them out.

>What’s Your Anger Expression Style?


>Is your daughter the type to come right out and tell you when she is feeling angry? Does she stuff her anger inside? Perhaps she is most likely to express her feelings in sneaky ways. Or maybe, when she is mad, the whole world knows about it—and better step aside! Whatever your child’s anger style, chances are she has developed it over the years and modeled it after…gulp…much-loved family members.

Click on the link below to complete an Anger Expression Style Quiz I developed for the website Mom It Forward:

What’s Your Anger Expression Style? Take This Quiz to Find Out

A designer clothes boutique has partnered with me to help bring articles about parenting, bullying, and anger-expression styles to their community.  The next time you are in the market for trendy baby clothing, including unique headbands, baby hats, and fashion-forward pettiskirts and tutus for little ones, please check them out.

>If You Say One More Word… Passive Aggressive Comments From the Back Seat!


>One of the funniest gals I know relayed this story about her son who is following in her comic footsteps…much to his demise in this instance:

The family of four is on a 5-minute drive to a nearby restaurant for a Valentine’s Day dinner.  Starting on minute one, the 4-year old son starts talking back to his father and just being disrespectful, in general.  By minute four, approaching the restaurant parking lot, the dad has had it.

Dad: That’s enough, Jack.  No more talking back.  If you say one more word, I’m going to turn this car around and take you home, and there will be no Valentine’s Day dinner for you.

Jack: Thinks for a moment.  Then, yells, “A!”

Dad:  Turns the car abruptly and begins to head back towards home.  “You are done!  I am bringing you home.”

Jack:  But Dad!  I only said “A!”  That’s not a word, it’s only a letter!

Poor Jack–he couldn’t resist that passive aggressive little dig at his dad, even at the known risk of losing dinner at his favorite restaurant.   Classic Level 5 Self-depreciation!!

My Baby Clothes Boutique has partnered with me to provide articles to the parenting community. Check out their site the next time you need adorable baby clothes, photo perfect baby headbands, or even just a warm baby hat for winter. They have it all!

>If You Say One More Word… Passive Aggressive Comments From the Back Seat!


>One of the funniest gals I know relayed this story about her son who is following in her comic footsteps…much to his demise in this instance:

The family of four is on a 5-minute drive to a nearby restaurant for a Valentine’s Day dinner.  Starting on minute one, the 4-year old son starts talking back to his father and just being disrespectful, in general.  By minute four, approaching the restaurant parking lot, the dad has had it.

Dad: That’s enough, Jack.  No more talking back.  If you say one more word, I’m going to turn this car around and take you home, and there will be no Valentine’s Day dinner for you.

Jack: Thinks for a moment.  Then, yells, “A!”

Dad:  Turns the car abruptly and begins to head back towards home.  “You are done!  I am bringing you home.”

Jack:  But Dad!  I only said “A!”  That’s not a word, it’s only a letter!

Poor Jack–he couldn’t resist that passive aggressive little dig at his dad, even at the known risk of losing dinner at his favorite restaurant.   Classic Level 5 Self-depreciation!!

My Baby Clothes Boutique has partnered with me to provide articles to the parenting community. Check out their site the next time you need adorable baby clothes, photo perfect baby headbands, or even just a warm baby hat for winter. They have it all!

>Passive Aggressive Laundry


>This morning at my kids’ karate class, I overheard a woman telling her friend that she was so mad at her husband that she tossed a blanket that her son had vomited on in with her husband’s laundry…how’s that for passive aggressive?

>Passive Aggressive Laundry


>This morning at my kids’ karate class, I overheard a woman telling her friend that she was so mad at her husband that she tossed a blanket that her son had vomited on in with her husband’s laundry…how’s that for passive aggressive?

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