Archive for August, 2011

‘Odd Girl Out’ tackles bullying in the digital age


‘Odd Girl Out’ tackles bullying in the digital age.

Rachel Simmons did a great interview this morning on the Today Show, talking about girls & cyberbullying.  Always great to hear from her…always frightening to think about the parenting perils ahead of me, raising two daughters.

Win a FREE Copy of The Angry Smile!


Hello all–

I’ve got a busy Fall planned, with several training workshops featuring The Angry Smile.  Although I’ve got a good number of stories about sugarcoated hostility, excessive civility, defiant compliance, and plain old passive aggressive behavior to share, I am always looking for fresh, new examples.  If you have a good example of passive aggressive behavior from a friend, family member, co-worker, parent, child, mother-in-law (those are the best!), boss, on Facebook, via e-mail, on a post-it note, or all of the above, I would love to hear it!

Please e-mail me your story to or better yet, leave it here via the Comments section.  Be sure to leave me your e-mail address; I will be sending a free copy of The Angry Smile: The Psychology of Passive Aggressive Behavior in Families, Schools, and Workplaces, 2nd ed. to the best example I receive.

Spread the word.  It’ll be great for my collection of real-life examples of passive aggressive behavior and probably worth several laughs for you as well, as you hear about the hilarious lengths some people go to avoid expressing their anger directly and assertively.




PLEASE NOTE: By submitting this story to, you grant Signe Whitson a permanent, royalty-free license to use and/or reproduce this story for any purpose.

3 Ways to Help Your Daughter Understand & Withstand Media Influences


Messages embedded in song lyrics, video imagery, and advertising influence the ways girls think about themselves and their relationships with others. You can help your daughters–and other young girls–become aware of media messages that violate values and degrade girls, using these engaging conversations and activities: (more…)

3 Ways to Help Your Daughter Understand & Withstand Media Influences


Messages embedded in song lyrics, video imagery, and advertising influence the ways girls think about themselves and their relationships with others. You can help your daughters–and other young girls–become aware of media messages that violate values and degrade girls, using these engaging conversations and activities: (more…)

How to Help Your Daughter Develop Leadership Skills


Check out this great article from Dr. Michelle Borba, based on research from the Girl Scouts of America.  Great tips, practical strategies, and important reminders for parents on how to help our daughters become confident leaders.

Most importantly: Be the change you want to see in your daughter’s life.

Do Anti-Bullying Programs work?


I love this post by blogger Sue Scheff and agree 100% with her thought that the most effective anti-bullying programs are those that aim to teach social and emotional coping strategies for handling bullying, rather than those that rely on “zero tolerance” policies or focus exclusively on the bully. (more…)

How to Cope with Mean Girls


In my little neck of the woods, we are all a-buzz with thoughts and wishes about the postcards scheduled to be mailed from our local elementary school tomorrow, letting us know who our kids’ teachers will be for the coming school year.  While I have hopes for a specific teacher with a reputation for inspiring creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, what I am really wishing for most is that my daughter’s class be filled with nice kids.

The little voice inside my head nags that that expectation is too high.  We are approaching the third grade year–girls are getting meaner.  I hate to say it.  I don’t want to give in to stereotypes.  But I know it to be true.  The bullying that “peaks in middle school” according to statistics, grows very strong roots in elementary school. (more…)

What Teachers & Counselors are Saying about Life Space Crisis Intervention Training


Check out to see video footage of “what Trainers are saying about LSCI.”  Many thanks to the Pressley Ridge Trainers and Jimmy Dowd for helping us create this special online feature!

What Teachers & Counselors are Saying about Life Space Crisis Intervention Training


Check out to see video footage of “what Trainers are saying about LSCI.”  Many thanks to the Pressley Ridge Trainers and Jimmy Dowd for helping us create this special online feature!

One Mom’s Tale of Getting Ready on the First Day of Kindergarten


Until this moment, I had only shared this embarrassing factoid with my husband, but as I am sitting here, reflecting on the nervous anticipation that parents feel before sending their kids to school for the first time, it seems only fair to share with fellow Moms my anxiety-fueled wardrobe malfunction on the morning of my daughter’s first day of Kindergarten. (more…)

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