Archive for December, 2016

Activity Book Provides 40+ Hands-On Skills to Stop Bullying


I was just at a Barnes & Noble fundraiser for my kids’ school and found my new book featured on this shelf! Just as exciting to my fan-girl self is that my book is right next to Rachel Simmons’ groundbreaking, Odd Girl Out, and the books of my favorite children’s author, Trudy Ludwig.

All make for great holiday gifts, in case you still have teachers, counselors, parents, or kiddos on your list!!  Order on amazon now at


The Angry Smile featured in Real Simple


Check out the December 2016 issue of Real Simple Magazine to read a great feature story (“Ugh–She’s Being So Passive-Aggressive”) with many comments and references to The Angry Smile.

Download here: rsim_20161201_143_1290272_article1the-angry-smile-front-only

For live and online training opportunities on how to understand and manage passive aggressive behavior, visit

Be sure to keep your eyes out for the new edition of The Angry Smile, coming January 2017!  Here’s a sneak peek at our new cover!






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