Archive for January, 2020

What Can Adults Do to Highlight Student Strengths?


I love Education Week and am always honored when I get the chance to weigh in on Larry Ferlazzo’s questions.  In this post, he asks: What can teachers do to help highlight student assets and not their deficits?


There are several informative and engaging responses.  Scroll down to the end of the post to read mine 🙂  Enjoy!


Original link:

January Coffee with the Counselor


This school year, I’m offering monthly Coffee with the Counselor events at my school on the first (or second!) Friday of each month. Coffee with the Counselor mornings will provide an informal opportunity for parents & caregivers to discuss issues related to child and adolescent development, mental health, social & emotional development, and general well-being. I’ll share interesting resources and recommend readings on selected topics, to inspire discussion within the group.

On January 3rd, we’ll be focusing on Depression in Childhood & Adolescence.  Dr. Christina Gorigoitia of West End Counseling & Wellness, LLC will be our guest speaker, leading us in a discussion about common signs and symptoms of depression in young people, including what to watch for, how to support kids, and when to seek professional help.  I hope you will join me!
On the topic of Depression in Childhood & Adolescence, here are some suggested resources:
Depression in Children (Cleveland Clinic)
Depression in Children & Teens (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)


The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk  (I consider this one of THE best books about trauma, which can be associated with child & adolescent depression.)
Most of the books on child & adolescent depression that I favor are clinically focused, rather than speaking to parents about how to understand and support kids.  I’ll keep my eye out for other resources I think may be helpful to parents.
In February, we will be talking about screentime & social media with a focus on popular apps that parents need to know about.  I’ll also offer some suggested do’s & don’ts for helping our kids consume technology in safe ways.
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