passive aggressive signs

Passive Aggressive Signs

A friend of mine just posted this photo of an actual sign taped to a light pole in his neighborhood.  How deliciously passive aggressive.  Must include this in my next Angry Smile training!


Win a FREE Copy of The Angry Smile!


Hello all–

I’ve got a busy Fall planned, with several training workshops featuring The Angry Smile.  Although I’ve got a good number of stories about sugarcoated hostility, excessive civility, defiant compliance, and plain old passive aggressive behavior to share, I am always looking for fresh, new examples.  If you have a good example of passive aggressive behavior from a friend, family member, co-worker, parent, child, mother-in-law (those are the best!), boss, on Facebook, via e-mail, on a post-it note, or all of the above, I would love to hear it!

Please e-mail me your story to or better yet, leave it here via the Comments section.  Be sure to leave me your e-mail address; I will be sending a free copy of The Angry Smile: The Psychology of Passive Aggressive Behavior in Families, Schools, and Workplaces, 2nd ed. to the best example I receive.

Spread the word.  It’ll be great for my collection of real-life examples of passive aggressive behavior and probably worth several laughs for you as well, as you hear about the hilarious lengths some people go to avoid expressing their anger directly and assertively.




PLEASE NOTE: By submitting this story to, you grant Signe Whitson a permanent, royalty-free license to use and/or reproduce this story for any purpose.

>Passive Aggressive Valentine’s Day Cards


>Check out the hilarious passive aggressive Valentines from the link below.  They were hand-made by young Ryan, stuck making Valentine cards against his will. I love his honesty!!

Homemade Valentine’s Day Cards: How Our Family Tradition Began

A designer clothes boutique has partnered with me to help bring articles about parenting, bullying, and anger-expression styles to their community.  The next time you are in the market for trendy baby clothing, including unique headbands, baby hats, and fashion-forward pettiskirts and tutus for little ones, please check them out

>Passive Aggressive lines on Facebook


>Best passive aggressive line I just saw online by a Facebook friend:

“Some people make me want to put a red sock in with their whites”

>Passive Aggressive Signs on Modern Family


>Love this passive aggressive sign, created by an angry Claire, to stop the neighborhood speeder!

A designer clothes boutique has partnered with me to help bring articles about parenting, bullying, and anger-expression styles to their community.  The next time you are in the market for trendy baby clothing, including unique headbands, baby hats, and fashion-forward pettiskirts and tutus for little ones, please check them out.

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