Archive for September, 2016

SUNDAY STRATEGY: Working with Students Who Have Experienced Trauma

Happy Sunday to all!  I hope it is as beautiful where you live as it is where I am!
This week’s Sunday Strategy offers you a BONUS!  It’s 10 strategies in 1!  This post from the Childhood 970074_10151808097644363_1420057388_nTrauma Blog Series, sponsored by Starr TLC, provides 10 important insights and practical strategies for working with children who have experienced trauma:

SUNDAY STRATEGY: The Most Effective 20 Minutes You Can Spend with Students

Hello readers,

Here’s the Sunday Strategy for the week; all around, it’s one of my favorites because it hits at the heart of some of the most important things that I believe, namely:

1.  It’s the little things we do with kids on a regular basis that make the most difference.  Policies, procedures, and plans (behavioral, lesson, etc) are great…but the little things make the biggest impact.

2.  Along those lines, interventions don’t have to be time-consuming!  This strategy calls for just a total of 20 minutes of your time over a 2-week period…but it can be transformational.  Compare this cumulative 20 minutes with the amount of time you would otherwise spend re-directing, filling out Behavior Forms, calling parents, consulting with other teachers, and banging your head against the wall!

3. Positive relationships are everything.

Have a great week, all!



8 Keys to End Bullying featured at Trauma Summit


8 Keys to End Bullying: Strategies for Parents and Schools was featured at the Trauma Summit at California Lutheran University, co-sponsored by Casa Pacifica.  Get your copy today on and don’t forget to PRE-ORDER the brand new 8 Keys to End Bullying Activity Program for Kids & Tweens.



What Matters Most When It Comes to A Child’s Education



SUNDAY STRATEGY: 5-Minute Class Culture Builders for Schools

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve had a fantastic weekend!

SUNDAY STRATEGY: I’m a huge proponent of making time to build class culture and a sense of community among students. Here’s a great, 5-minute way to make community-building as much a part of your routine as taking attendance. If you try this out for a few days/weeks/rest of the year, please keep me posted on some of the questions you come up with–and the kids of outcomes you notice!

“Because learning is fundamentally a social and emotional experience, achieving a sense of WE is critical before students fully engage in classroom activities.”

When Your Kids Don’t Answer You Until You Scream



For more information on how to confront and change passive aggressive behavior at home, in school and in the workplace, please check out The Angry Smile text or register for our online training at

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