Archive for June, 2011

Imperfection is Beauty


Imperfection is beauty,

madness is genius,

and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous

than totally boring.

Bullying at Summer Camp: 5 Ways Parents Can Help Kids Cope


Marlo Thomas and Dr. Joel Haber, author of Bullyproof Your Child for Life: Protect Your Child from Teasing, Taunting and Bullying for Good, offer these 5 tips for helping young people cope with bullying during the not-always-carefree days of summer:

Girls on the Run featured on the NBC Nightly News


Girls on the Run is a great group!  So happy to see them featured on NBC Nightly News broadcast!  I volunteer as a “Running Buddy” for the girls’ program-ending 5K runs and can’t wait for my own daughters to be old enough to participate.  I reference Girls on the Run as a great resource for elementary and middle school aged girls in Friendship & Other Weapons.

Check it out:

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What to Say to Enhance a Young Girl's Self Image


Check out this brilliant article by Lisa Bloom, author of ‘Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed Down World’

What to Say to Enhance a Young Girl’s Self Image


Check out this brilliant article by Lisa Bloom, author of ‘Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed Down World’

My Mother-In-Law is Planning to Visit in a Few Hours…


…and though I know I should straighten up a bit…

A cleanhouse is a wasted life


3 Ways that Kids' Anger Bites Back


How many of you were told as a child, “Don’t be mad at your friend. She was just kidding,” or even “It’s not nice to be angry with your parents?” How many of you–gulp–have even uttered messages like these to your own children? Don’t worry; my hand is raised also. Despite the fact that I just wrote a book about helping kids accept and manage angry feelings, sometimes these knee-jerk responses just fly out of my mouth–as they do everyone else’s.

Are they the worst things to say to a child? Well, having worked for several years with abused children, I can definitively say (more…)

3 Ways that Kids’ Anger Bites Back


How many of you were told as a child, “Don’t be mad at your friend. She was just kidding,” or even “It’s not nice to be angry with your parents?” How many of you–gulp–have even uttered messages like these to your own children? Don’t worry; my hand is raised also. Despite the fact that I just wrote a book about helping kids accept and manage angry feelings, sometimes these knee-jerk responses just fly out of my mouth–as they do everyone else’s.

Are they the worst things to say to a child? Well, having worked for several years with abused children, I can definitively say (more…)

New York State Lawmakers Approve Gay Marriage


Mayor Michael Bloomberg called it a “historic triumph for equality and freedom.”  I couldn’t agree more.

I remember thinking as a child that it was so strange that my parents ever knew a time when black people had to sit at the back of a bus or couldn’t share a bathroom with whites.  To me, it made my parents seem instantly old–part of a crazy, mixed up world.  (more…)

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