Archive for December, 2017

Learn to Understand and Change Passive Aggressive Behavior


It’s cold outside! 🧥🧤🧣☃️❄️ What a perfect day to stay indoors and learn new skills to understand and change passive aggressive behavior. Check out the LSCI Institute’s online training, The Angry Smile.

Complete a whole day’s worth of live training in just a few hours, right here:

(Copy of The Angry Smile book is included and will be shipped directly to the address you provide!)

Hurt Students Hurt Students


I saw this meme online today and just love it:


LSCI training, the certification program that is the basis for most of my professional interactions with distressed kids,  offers the skills we all need to reach out to hurt-filled children. For more information please visit the LSCI page on this site or check out today. I can very honestly say that I use the skills of LSCI every single day in my work and have for the last 17 years since I was first certified in LSCI.  I’m happy to answer any and all questions about LSCI training.


Training opportunities are available online at your convenience or year round at any of LSCI’s international training sites.

Interview with Signe Whitson on NativeAdVantage


Earlier this month, I had the honor of being interviewed by The Native Society, an online global health & wellness platform.  Here’s a piece of our conversation:

Signe Whitson: author, international educator on Bullying Prevention, & Director of Counseling, The Swain School in Pennsylvania


Signe Whitson is an author, international educator on Bullying Prevention, and Director of Counseling at The Swain School in Pennsylvania. In her articles, books, and workshops, Signe provides down-to-earth, practical advice for navigating the daily challenges of living and working with children, tweens and teens. As a mother of two daughters, Signe relates to parents on a personal level.  She is also the Chief Operating Officer of the Life Space Crisis Intervention Institute, an international training and certification program for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for children and youth with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviors.


What Do I Do Best?

Since I was young, I could always count on having the perfect response or comeback…ten minutes after it was needed in a situation.  As a writer, on the other hand, I’m better able to collect my thoughts and present them in-the-moment.  I can’t say I love writing, but I do love having written and think I am most effective when I use the written word to share knowledge, insights, and strategies for helping young people cope with conflict, manage anger, and solve social problems.

What makes me the best version of myself?

Coffee and red wine?

Or maybe compassion, empathy, and a determination to look beyond surface behavior and aim to understand the thoughts and feelings that underlie a young person’s actions.

Probably a combination of all of the above.


For more of the interview, please visit:

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