Posts tagged crisis intervention

FIRE SALE on the 2nd edition of the LSCI textbook



The 2nd edition of the LSCI text, Talking with Students in Conflict, was the LSCI Institute’s primary text for the last two decades. Now, however, we are proud to use the 3rd edition of the text in all of our courses and trainings!

If you’d like to own a copy for posterity, reference, or even timeless reading, we are offering a fire sale on our remaining 15 copies of the 2nd edition.

Click here to order your copy today, before they are all gone!

Hurt Students Hurt Students


I saw this meme online today and just love it:


LSCI training, the certification program that is the basis for most of my professional interactions with distressed kids,  offers the skills we all need to reach out to hurt-filled children. For more information please visit the LSCI page on this site or check out today. I can very honestly say that I use the skills of LSCI every single day in my work and have for the last 17 years since I was first certified in LSCI.  I’m happy to answer any and all questions about LSCI training.


Training opportunities are available online at your convenience or year round at any of LSCI’s international training sites.

“Nothing Comes from Nothing:” Important Questions for Educators to Bear in Mind



The LSCI Institute offers Training for Parents, Foster Parents & Caregivers


Trainings from the Parents Division of the LSCI Institute help parents and caregivers learn specific skills for building positive relationships with kids, prevent and de-escalate conflicts, and utilize consistent, verbal strategies for crisis intervention. The LSCI Skills for Parents trainings:

  • Provide parents with specific skills for building positive relationships with kids
  • Encourage the use of preventative and non-physical crisis de-escalation strategies
  • Provide a framework for verbal crisis intervention that is consistent from situation to situation

Part 1: Conflict Prevention & De-Escalation
The Conflict Prevention & De-Escalation course presents foundational LSCI concepts such as the Conflict Cycle™, effective listening, crisis de-escalation, and “Timeline” skills through engaging activities and discussions that are relevant and accessible to parents and caregivers. Part 1 can be taught as a 1-day course or as a series of hour-long workshops.

Part 2: Managing Challenging Behaviors
The Managing Challenging Behaviors program identifies the six most common, chronic self-defeating patterns of behavior in kids and provides parents with a consistent 4-step process that helps families effectively address and modify each one. Part 2 of the curriculum is designed as an 8-session program, with one session dedicated to each of the six self-defeating patterns, along with an Introduction and Conclusion session.

FIND OUT what participants are saying about LSCI Skills for Parents trainings:

FOR MORE INFORMATION & TO SCHEDULE an LSCI Skills for Parents course, please click on the LSCI Training page or email me at

LSCI Helps Adults Understand Why Kids Act the Way They Do


A youth worker from Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch in Texas recently wrote this about LSCI training:

“LSCI is a great tool to use to be able to gain insight into why a child acts the way he does.  It allows me to get to the root of a problem and help him make a change instead of just putting a band-aid on the problem.  It’s a great everyday tool for building relationships with kids.”


Thanks for the feedback and thanks to our great trainers at Cal Farley’s who help adults turn crises into learning opportunities for kids with self-defeating behaviors.


For LSCI training opportunities in your area or to check out our online training course, please visit the LSCI Training page on this site or visit

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