“Bully” Documentary Director Talks About his Film, The MPAA Rating, and Changing the Lives of Kids in Need
638I was trying to think of a few sage words to introduce this film clip about the new documentary “Bully“…but it’s pretty clear that this interview speaks for itself.
Straightforward Advice from Rosalind Wiseman on Taking a Stand Against Bullying
950I love this article. I love this writer. I love the simple, straightforward advice she gives to parents to take a stand against bullying–even when it’s easier not to and/or less embarrassing for their kids if they just let bad behavior slide. I want to be Rosalind Wiseman when I grow up. Check it out:
Moral of the story: be a champion for children!
Yes, in the moment when we speak out, we will absolutely embarrass children. In the short term, they won’t like us one bit for getting involved. But it’s only in these moments that our kids see evidence of what our values look like in action, that they really get what’s important to us. They understand that they have a mom or dad who is willing and able to take a public stand when you see people being cruel. That’s a lesson they can take with them for a lifetime.
“Bully” Documentary “R” Rating Appeals Process Continues
870Great article in the Huffington Post today about the MPAA’s denial of the appeal to downgrade the “R” rating for the “Bully” documentary. Check out the article, watch the trailer (have tissues available!) and sign the petition to help make this film available to the under-17 crowd who can really benefit from its powerful message.
As filmmaker Lee Hirsch says:
We have a responsibility to the more than 13 million youth who are bullied every year in the US to make available this transformative, relevant piece of work.
My BFF is a Total Nightmare: Great Advice from author Rachel Simmons
791On my “To Write” list is an article entitled “What to Do When Your Daughter’s Friend is a Mean Girl.” I have a classic example to tell and story to share…so hopefully I’ll sit down at some point and get the article written…but in the meantime, check out this great advice from Rachel Simmons on the same topic.
The Roots of Bullying Behavior
0“Be kind to unkind people; they often need it the most.”
I was reminded of this truism when Tony Shin sent me this infographic on cyberbullying. While most books, articles, and programs focus (righteously!) on the targets of bullying, his work examines the roots of bullying, calling this a predictable psychological behavior whose roots are usually planted in early childhood. An interesting perspective. What do you think?
Created by: OnlineCounselingDegrees.net
International Bully Prevention E-zine: FREE Issue
0Check out the February Issue of the International Bully Prevention E-zine, chock full of great articles about how to stop bullying in schools and elsewhere among kids.
Sweethearts & Heroes: Effective Strategies to Put an End to Bullying
677Hearing stories day in and day out about bullying among children is enough to make anyone’s heart heavy, but meeting the terrific people who work tirelessly to halt aggression among kids is nothing short of inspiring. I’ve met quite a few heroes in the last few years, working in this field, but chief among them are the guys from Sweethearts & Heroes, who are bringing their unique, engaging anti-bullying, pro-Hero message to schools all across NY, VT, and beyond. Please check them out!
“The Secret Life of Girls” A Drama about Girl Bullying at the Dallas Children’s Theatre
551I wish I were able to get the whole news clip for you here…but believe me when I say it’s worth a visit to this CBS local news affiliate website to check out what the Dallas Children’s Theater’s resident playwright, Linda Daugherty, has to say about “The Secret Life of Girls.”
I’m headed to Dallas this weekend to see the play on Friday and then present a 75min. workshop based on Friendship & Other Weapons to a group of Moms and Daughters before Saturday’s performance of The Secret Life of Girls. Really looking forward to the trip!
Bullying Author Speaks: “It’s More Important to be Kind than to be Right.”
630Children’s author Trudy Ludwig is featured in this article about her recent school visits, talking to kids, professionals, and parents about bullying. LOVE this author, love her work. Please check her out:
Girls Rule! Check out “The Best in Me” PSA Video from the Girl Scouts
648I adore little girls who are confident in the knowledge that they can do anything and be anyone! Check out this empowering new PSA from the Girl Scouts and share it with a little girl you love.