Posts tagged girl bullying

School Administrator Reviews Friendship & Other Weapons


Many thanks to Michael McKnight from New Jersey for this feedback on Friendship & Other Weapons:

“As a long time school administrator this is an exceptional resource to add to any prevention program and is tailored to girls. Often we neglect this group and the activities and resources in this book are an excellent addition to any bully prevention program!”

(Get your copy today at


Friendship & Other Weapons cover



A True Story of Relational Bullying Among Girls


1459266_692871004071052_1969711432_nI first wrote this article in 2012, but continue to share this story in many of my workshops as a real-life example of how friendship can be used as a weapon and what adults need to know to help kids maintain their voices and effectively navigate the waters of peer conflict in schools:

Who is Bullying Really All About?



The Way We Talk to Our Children Becomes their Inner Voice


Educating Children’s Hearts and Minds


What to Do When a Fake Facebook Page is Created About You


This article from the Cyberbullying Research Center provides great, detailed information and instructions for kids (and their parents!) on what to do if a fake Facebook profile is created about them.  Check it out!



Bullying Runs Deep: Breaking the Code of Silence That Protects Bullies via HuffPost


HuffingtonPost writer, Michelle Baker, has shared this amazingly honest and deeply touching piece about bullying…by children, by adults, by those most trusted and most able to wound.  I was struck by each and every paragraph of her article, but particularly by these words, which I know firsthand to be true from having worked as a therapist with traumatized children and adolescents:

I am always amazed when I hear anyone say that teenagers act out simply “to get attention.” Of course, they do. Children act out because they do need attention: positive, proactive, compassionate, responsive and responsible attention. I am astonished by how many adults don’t do anything because they don’t know what to do or ignore the situation because they don’t want to acknowledge that they might have to change. For a child in crisis whose parents and adult community have not shown the ability to appropriately respond in times of need, radical acts are often the only measures a child has in order to get someone to pay attention and take action.


Please check out: Bullying Runs Deep: Breaking the Code of Silence That Protects Bullies


“That Moment:” A Poem about Bullying, Sweethearts, and Heroes


I would love for everyone to listen to the attached poem, written and read by ‘apoetaswell.’  “That Moment” is a poem about becoming a hero to someone in need–the exact moment stressed but the anti-bullying organization, Sweethearts & Heroes.   According to Sweethearts and Heroes founders Tom Murphy and Jason Spector, peers only intervene in bullying situations 10% of the time, but when a peer (or what they call a Hero) intervenes within 10-seconds (That Moment), they are successful 60% of the time.

My favorite line:

HOPE: Hold On, Possibilities Exist


Click on the link below to listen:

That Moment



Team Up to Stop Bullying


In fun professional news, I was asked to join Sears’ brand new campaign–the first major anti-bullying portal site designed to connect children, students, families, educators and communities with hundreds of bullying solutions.

Please visit to take the Power Pledge and show your support for Team Up to Stop Bullying.  The full web site will have hundreds of bullying solutions and will officially launch the first week of August.

When it Comes to Bullying, Real Change Happens Person to Person & Heart to Heart

This is a great story about how small, simple, structured programs in schools can make a HUGE differences in the lives of kids.  I love this one especially because it demonstrates that the lives of the “buddies” are bettered just as much as the lives of the special needs kids they are partnered with.
We don’t need complicated, costly ways to stop bullying…the best programs are the ones that encourage change person to person & heart to heart.
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