Posts tagged raising girls

Don’t Carpe Diem: A Great Read on Parenting & the Pressure to Savor Every Moment

This writer hit it out of the park with her article about parenting, savoring moments, and how flippin’ hard it is to savor parenting at every moment!

Happy Day of the Girl


Today is International Day of the Girl!  To celebrate the occasion, New Moon Girls is officially kicking off their Girl Caught Campaign to help raise awareness–and build resilience–in girls about the impact of media messaging.  Check out their site, download your own set of Girl-Caught stickers, and help change the world, one girl at a time:


Mamas: Grab a Tissue, Then Read This…


…fantastic, funny, bittersweet, heartwarming post from the Pigtail Pals blog: 


Waking Up Full of Awesome: Pigtail Pals


This is one of the best, most girl power-ful posts I have ever read.  Love it, love the organization!

Please check them out:

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