This school year, I’m offering monthly Coffee with the Counselor events at my school on the first Friday of each month. Coffee with the Counselor mornings will provide an informal opportunity for parents & caregivers to discuss issues related to child and adolescent development, mental health, social & emotional development, and general well-being. I’ll share interesting resources and recommend readings on selected topics, to inspire discussion within the group.

On February 7th, we will be talking about screentime & social media with a focus on popular apps that parents need to know about (read: let’s be sure we talk about TikTok!)  I’ll also offer some suggested do’s & don’ts for helping our kids consume technology in safe ways.  I hope you will join me!
On the topic of Screentime & Social Media, here are some suggested resources:


Screenwise: Helping Kids Survive & Thrive in Their Digital World

The Art of Screentime: How Your Family Can Balance Digital Media & Real Life

Disconnected: How to Reconnect our Digitally Distracted Kids
