Being a Mom

4 Rules for Using Assertive Communication to Stand Up to Bullies


As sure as kids will go back to school each Fall in the U.S., bullying will be encountered in the classroom each school year. In these early days of August and September classes, would-be bullies are getting a feel for who they think might be an easy mark in the class. As the days wear on and a bully confirms that he or she can pick on specific classmates without their standing up for themselves, the bullying escalates. (more…)

Mamas: Grab a Tissue, Then Read This…


…fantastic, funny, bittersweet, heartwarming post from the Pigtail Pals blog: 


Confessions of a Former Bully


In Friendship & Other Weapons, I feature an activity for girls based on Trudy Ludwig’s fantastic book, My Secret Bully.  The book is all about how bullying can be disguised as friendship and how particularly painful this type of subtle, hidden, “I Was Just Kidding” aggression can be.  My Secret Bully also offers kids great insights into how to cope with bullying effectively, from sharing experiences with trusted adults to standing up for themselves.  I love it–a definite favorite!

Trudy Ludwig’s most recent book, Confessions of a Former Bully, also provides great ideas and insights for handling bullying.  The following blog post, from the School Counselor Blog, talks about an activity that one school counselor has developed, based on Ludwig’s new work:

Pretty’s Got Nothing To Do With It


You may have heard the furor over JC Penny’s recent back-to-school T-Shirt for girls that read, “I’m Too Pretty to do My Homework, So My Brother Has to do it for Me.”

Check out Pigtail Pals’ response, via their newest T-shirt design for little girls:

How to Help Kids Handle Big Feelings


This is a great post from Kidlutions: Solutions for Kids.  It talks about how easy it is to say the wrong thing, even when you have the right intentions…but also how simple it can be to validate a child’s big feelings and teach him or her how to cope with them.


Personally, as a mom of a girl whose intense temperament makes her a force to be reckoned with–in both good and challenging ways–I can”t wait to read the follow up Part 2!

Waking Up Full of Awesome: Pigtail Pals


This is one of the best, most girl power-ful posts I have ever read.  Love it, love the organization!

Please check them out:

What Moms Can Do About Mean Girls


Not only is Maggie Lamond Simone a hilariously funny writer with great insights into parenting, but she’s also a redhead.  What’s not to love?

Check out her great article on “Mean Girls” from the Huff Post.  Apparently, she and I have more in common than just the hair; in her article and in Friendship & Other Weapons, we both write about parents helping kids cope with bullying by teaching them critical skills, such as standing up for themselves, reaching out to others who are being bullied, championing what they like about themselves, and not tolerating meanness.


If we help our girls develop/retain their self-esteem, there’s a better chance they will be neither bully nor victim.”|htmlws-main-bb|dl16|sec1_lnk3|92426

3 Ways to Help Your Daughter Understand & Withstand Media Influences


Messages embedded in song lyrics, video imagery, and advertising influence the ways girls think about themselves and their relationships with others. You can help your daughters–and other young girls–become aware of media messages that violate values and degrade girls, using these engaging conversations and activities: (more…)

How to Help Your Daughter Develop Leadership Skills


Check out this great article from Dr. Michelle Borba, based on research from the Girl Scouts of America.  Great tips, practical strategies, and important reminders for parents on how to help our daughters become confident leaders.

Most importantly: Be the change you want to see in your daughter’s life.

Do Anti-Bullying Programs work?


I love this post by blogger Sue Scheff and agree 100% with her thought that the most effective anti-bullying programs are those that aim to teach social and emotional coping strategies for handling bullying, rather than those that rely on “zero tolerance” policies or focus exclusively on the bully. (more…)

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