Posts tagged bullying among girls
Girl-Caught is a Great Activity to Build Awareness in Your Daughter
0In honor of September 22’s Day of the Girl, New Moon Girls is launching its Girl-Caught campaign, designed to give each of us an empowering way to comment on media messages about girls and women.
You’ve heard about baby beauty pageants, lingerie marketed to pre-schoolers, and JC Penney’s, “I”m too pretty to do my homework” T-shirt. The Girl-Caught campaign aims to raise awareness about these ubiquitous and degrading media messages because, as I write in Friendship & Other Weapons, “When girls are aware of how entertainment and advertising images are altered, they are better able to resist the pressures of “measuring up” to the images.”
Get involved in Girl-Caught with your own daughter. Log in to the New Moon Girls site to download or print out your own Girl-Caught stickers. Paste them to the negative or positive Girl-Catches you find, then upload them to Girl-Caught! This is a great, interactive campaign that parents and kids can enjoy–and learn through–together.
Most of all, Girl-Caught “encourages girls to think critically about media images and to become informed consumers rather
than passive recipients of the media.” (Whitson, 2011).
Sticks & Stones: A Four Year Old’s First Experience with Bullying
6Check me out on the Huff Post:
No, seriously, please check me out there. It’s job security.
Read it. Tweet it. Share it. Like it.
I’m so bossy.
Do Anti-Bullying Programs work?
488I love this post by blogger Sue Scheff and agree 100% with her thought that the most effective anti-bullying programs are those that aim to teach social and emotional coping strategies for handling bullying, rather than those that rely on “zero tolerance” policies or focus exclusively on the bully. (more…)
How to Cope with Mean Girls
703In my little neck of the woods, we are all a-buzz with thoughts and wishes about the postcards scheduled to be mailed from our local elementary school tomorrow, letting us know who our kids’ teachers will be for the coming school year. While I have hopes for a specific teacher with a reputation for inspiring creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, what I am really wishing for most is that my daughter’s class be filled with nice kids.
The little voice inside my head nags that that expectation is too high. We are approaching the third grade year–girls are getting meaner. I hate to say it. I don’t want to give in to stereotypes. But I know it to be true. The bullying that “peaks in middle school” according to statistics, grows very strong roots in elementary school. (more…)
5 Ways to Talk with Your Daughter About Technology, from Rachel Simmons
488In her newly revised and updated book, Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls, author Rachel Simmons suggests five conversation starters for parents to use to get their daughters to open up about social media use. “Opening lines” and areas ripe for discussion include:
1. What’s your favorite thing to do online or on your phone?
2. Would your friendships be better or worse without technology? Easier or harder? (more…)