Posts tagged girl bullying
One Girl’s Anti-Bullying Efforts Make a Difference Throughout Her School
712I adore this news story about how one empathic, ready-to-make-her-world-better 8th grade girl used simple, handwritten messages on Post-It notes to change the culture in her school! Please give it a read:
In Friendship & Other Weapons, I challenge kids to think about how they can help end bullying before, during, and after it occurs. Kids brainstorm ideas and really learn about what it means to be a (s)hero instead of a bystander. I want kids to learn and remember that it is never okay to doing nothing about bullying.
Samantha Bremmer, the girl featured in the article, can obviously attest to the fact that little things kids do to create an anti-bullying culture in school can make a huge difference. WAY TO GO, GIRL!! Inspire on!
What to Do When Your Daughter is the Mean Girl
610I knew this day would come. I was, of course, hoping it never would — hoping that my daughter would never be mean to someone else’s daughter — but as they say, I wrote the book on girl bullying in elementary school, so I knew that there was a pretty good chance that despite all of my best efforts, one of these days, my girl was gonna act like the mean one. This morning, she told me about it.
To read the full story, please visit the HuffingtonPost Parents section at the link below:
Don’t Carpe Diem: A Great Read on Parenting & the Pressure to Savor Every Moment
This writer hit it out of the park with her article about parenting, savoring moments, and how flippin’ hard it is to savor parenting at every moment!
There’s Nothing More Badass Than Being Yourself
Thought this photo was the PERFECT image to accompany the Huffington Post article I wrote yesterday, celebrating my daughter’s free spirit and creative thinking:
The Best Bad Report Card Ever: Why I Delight In the “Minus” on My Daughter’s Report Card
I’ve got two awesome, creative, outside-the-box-thinking, free-spirited daughters (if I do say so myself). While sometimes the fact that they like to do things their “own way” makes them more challenging to parent, I also think it makes them infinitely INTERESTING little people and I know it can make them wildly successful later in life if they channel their ideas well. That’s why it always concerns me when I see teachers who try to fit them into a box for their own convenience or penalize them for not conforming enough.
Do you have a little free thinker at home?
Please check out my article on the Huffington Post and let me know your thoughts. Share with your friends via your social networks. I’d love to hear what other parents think.
Spot-On Advice for Young Girls Pondering a “Friend Divorce”
If you’ve ever been in a situation where you need to find the right words to tell a young girl that what she’s about to do is wrong…then check out this column in Teen Vogue, written by Odd Girl Out author, Rachel Simmons.
If you read my blog, you know I’m a big fan of her work and her wisdom–and this is a perfect example of why. I love how Rachel is so honest and forthright in her advice to the girls–while never talking down to them and always maintaining respect for their experiences.
My fingers are crossed that when the time comes, I–and all of my Mom friends–will be able to advise my own daughters this well!
7 Skills Parents Can Teach Their Kids for Standing Up to Bullies
Click here to check out this article, posted on the website Parents Are Important, featuring 7 skills parents can teach their kids, for standing up to bullying.
Rachel Simmons Offers Parents Advice on Cell Phone and Social Media Limits
603Rachel Simmons, bestselling author of Odd Girl Out and co-founder of the Girls Leadership Institute (GLI), offers great insights and advice for parents on how to walk the fine line between stalking their children’s technology usage and taking a totally hands-off approach. Her advice on effective limit-setting–and why limits are so important socially and academically–is great:
Girls Not as Nice as Sugar and Spice
0Check out this news story from “across the pond:” Friendship & Other Weapons is featured in an article in the Irish Independent newspaper!