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Internationally recognized author & educator for professionals, parents, and kids
I’ve got two awesome, creative, outside-the-box-thinking, free-spirited daughters (if I do say so myself). While sometimes the fact that they like to do things their “own way” makes them more challenging to parent, I also think it makes them infinitely INTERESTING little people and I know it can make them wildly successful later in life if they channel their ideas well. That’s why it always concerns me when I see teachers who try to fit them into a box for their own convenience or penalize them for not conforming enough.
Do you have a little free thinker at home?
Please check out my article on the Huffington Post and let me know your thoughts. Share with your friends via your social networks. I’d love to hear what other parents think.
This entry was posted by signewhitson on January 5, 2012 at 11:50 pm, and is filed under Being a Mom, building self-esteem in girls, Parenting. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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Signe Whitson is an author and educator on bullying, crisis intervention, and child and adolescent emotional and behavioral health. In her articles, books, and training workshops, Signe provides down-to-earth, practical advice for professionals and parents on navigating the daily challenges of living and working with children, tweens and teens.