What Have You Done to Make a Child Feel Valued Today?
887Great Video to Teach Kids about the Permanency of Online Posts
0In Friendship & Other Weapons, girls are given the opportunity to learn and talk about the role of social media in their lives and relationships. This YouTube video is a great entre for teaching girls–and boys–about the permancy of what they post online–via Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, or even text. “Once you post it, you lose control.”
Showing and discussing this video with kids is 99 seconds well-spent.
Conversing about Kindness with Kids
379Last week, this post on Conversing About Kindness with Kids caught my eye…and I vowed that February 1st would be the start date for my family to do as the author suggests and “think of one thing we can do each day to be kind to someone else.”
Two years ago, my Chinese New Year-inspired proclamation that 2010 would be “The Year of Kindness” in our family rather than the Year of the Tiger, garnered groans and well-deserved accusations of cheesiness. Ahh well…my kids are two years older now…and 730 days more accustomed to me talking about the importance of kindness. I may well get groans again tomorrow…but no matter…I know that my kids are internalizing an important message.
In Friendship & Other Weapons, kids are engaged in fun activities around building values of kindness, empathy, compassion, and cooperation as a way of changing the culture of bullying in schools and helping kids cope effectively with relational aggression.
Check it out: http://www.kidsafefoundation.org/conversing-about-kindness-with-kids/
Friendship & Other Weapons featured in the Reclaiming Children & Youth Journal
849Don’t just take my word for it; check out this new review of Friendship & Other Weapons, featured in the Reclaiming Children & Youth newsletter:
No-Name Calling Week Targets Bullying in Schools
0It turns out that while sticks and stones can break your bones, words can also really hurt. In honor of proving the out-of-date childhood adage incorrect, the week of January 23rd-27th has been set aside as No Name-Calling Week in schools across the country.
Check out my recommendations on Yahoo! Shine for best children’s book titles that can help you reinforce this important anti-bullying message at home:
A Powerful Suicide Prevention Video Message: 100 Reasons to Stay
534Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among young people. GLBTQ teens have a suicide rate that is up to 3-4 times higher than this already sky-high rate. There “It Gets Better” campaign seeks to help young people know that there is life after bullying and reasons to survive.
This video, created by a couple of kids out of Quinnipiac University, is part of a junior capstone project about suicide prevention.
The video has had a real effect on people dealing with depression or even having suicidal thoughts,” Lauren Taylor said, “I got an email from one girl saying thank you for helping me realize that there is something to look forward to tomorrow.”
100 Reasons to Stay from Lauren Taylor on Vimeo.
One Girl’s Anti-Bullying Efforts Make a Difference Throughout Her School
712I adore this news story about how one empathic, ready-to-make-her-world-better 8th grade girl used simple, handwritten messages on Post-It notes to change the culture in her school! Please give it a read:
In Friendship & Other Weapons, I challenge kids to think about how they can help end bullying before, during, and after it occurs. Kids brainstorm ideas and really learn about what it means to be a (s)hero instead of a bystander. I want kids to learn and remember that it is never okay to doing nothing about bullying.
Samantha Bremmer, the girl featured in the article, can obviously attest to the fact that little things kids do to create an anti-bullying culture in school can make a huge difference. WAY TO GO, GIRL!! Inspire on!
What to Do When Your Daughter is the Mean Girl
610I knew this day would come. I was, of course, hoping it never would — hoping that my daughter would never be mean to someone else’s daughter — but as they say, I wrote the book on girl bullying in elementary school, so I knew that there was a pretty good chance that despite all of my best efforts, one of these days, my girl was gonna act like the mean one. This morning, she told me about it.
To read the full story, please visit the HuffingtonPost Parents section at the link below:
FREE International Bully Prevention E-Zine now available
0Check out the January edition of the International Bully Prevention E-Zine. GREAT read for adults and kids alike. And I’m not just saying that because an article of mine is included.