Archive for March, 2012

“Models are Made:” A Must See Video for Young Girls


In my book, Friendship & Other Weapons, I dedicate a session to media literacy and empowerment–specifically, helping young girls look “behind the scenes” of today’s advertising industry, to understand some of the smoke & mirrors tricks that go into creating cover-girl looks.  I suggest the Dove Evolution video as a great discussion piece that adults can use to educate and inform kids.

Here is a newer video that spells things out for kids (and adults) in a clear and compassionate way–I love the way this photographer explains all of the work that goes into creating a camera ready image…and that he cared enough about young girls’ self-esteem to create the video in the first place.  Cheers to him!

Moms, watch this one with your daughters!  I know I will be showing this in my Mother-Daughter workshops based on Friendship & Other Weapons when we talk about the media’s impact on young girls.  This is the perfect clip for creating awareness about healthy body images, photoshopping, and self-esteem.


What Parents Can Do When Bullying is Downplayed at School


In my conversations with parents of bullied children, an all-too-frequent recurring theme is that they say their reports to school are downplayed or downright ignored. I wrote this article for the HuffingtonPost in response. Please share with any parents you know who are struggling to help their kids cope with bullying.


What Parents Can Do When Bullying is Downplayed at School

FREE International Bully Prevention E-Zine MARCH Issue Now Available


Check out the March issue of the International Bully Prevention E-Zine.  This month’s free issue features great articles about what parents can do to help their kids cope with bullying and importance of role modeling by parents when it comes to raising kids who reject gossip and other forms of relational aggression.  PLease check it out & pass it on.

Ellen Talks to a Family from the Documentary “Bully”


What a courageous, strong, inspiring family. If you missed their interview on Ellen, check it out here, as they tell the story of the loss of their son, who faced relentless bullying in school. Have tissues on hand.


video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Helps Parents and Kids Cope with Bullying

437–and its predecessor–are terrific resources for kids and teens everywhere! Please check out how they are helping parents and kids cope with bullying.

How to Deal with Bullying in 2012: Radio Interview with Author Trudy Ludwig


Trudy Ludwig is one of my favorite children’s authors and educators on the subject of bullying. Take a listen to her recent interview on coping with bullying in schools.

Referee Much? Why Sibling Rivalry Is Good for Kids


Some days, arguing comes as naturally to my kids as breathing!  I take heart, knowing that there are lessons to be learned.  Please read on and share this link if you, too, spend a lot of your parenthood hoping that all of this bickering will actually benefit your little ones down the line…

LSCI Helps Adults Understand Why Kids Act the Way They Do


A youth worker from Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch in Texas recently wrote this about LSCI training:

“LSCI is a great tool to use to be able to gain insight into why a child acts the way he does.  It allows me to get to the root of a problem and help him make a change instead of just putting a band-aid on the problem.  It’s a great everyday tool for building relationships with kids.”


Thanks for the feedback and thanks to our great trainers at Cal Farley’s who help adults turn crises into learning opportunities for kids with self-defeating behaviors.


For LSCI training opportunities in your area or to check out our online training course, please visit the LSCI Training page on this site or visit

Passive Aggressive Shopping: Husband vs. Wife


As we teach in The Angry Smile training, people are willing to go to great lengths to avoid expressing their anger directly…here’s a hilarious one for the passive aggressive files!


The New Girl and the Mean Girl: How Bullying Can Last for a Lifetime


As if this post were not compelling enough, I love the outpouring this author gets from her readers in the Comments section. Just wish she has had this support when she was hiding in the newspaper office in middle school!

This is a great read for kids to help them understand the long-term impact of bullying and to get them talking about the difference an upstander/ally/hero/brave soul could have made in this author’s life. It’s also a terrific read for any adult-those who can relate to the writer’s experience and those who can be inspired to prevent another child from growing up with this kind of hurt and loneliness.

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