
Who is Bullying Really All About?



5 Steps for Turning Stressful Situations into Learning Opportunities with Kids


6-year old Ian’s parents are going through a bitter divorce. With his estranged mom and dad still living under the same roof, Ian experiences a chaotic home environment that includes domestic violence and inconsistent care. At school, Ian often has unexplained meltdowns and major over-reactions to simple requests by his teachers. This morning, when his first period teacher asked him to take out his math homework, he called her a “Bitch” and kicked his chair to the floor. (more…)

What’s Your Anger Expression Style? Take this Quiz to Find Out


Is your child the type to come right out and tell you when he is feeling angry? Does he stuff his anger inside? Perhaps he is most likely to express his feelings in sneaky ways. Or maybe, when he is mad, the whole world knows about it—and better step aside! Whatever your child’s anger style, chances are he has developed it over the years and modeled it after…gulp…much-loved family members.

Take this Anger Styles Quiz to learn about how anger is articulated in your family: (more…)

I Was So Mad! Teaching Assertive Anger Expression to Kids


From the cries of infancy, to the tantrums of toddlerhood, and hopefully the self-control of school-age years, developing the delicate art of anger expression is a process for children. Some little ones seem to be born with a cool head while others show their hot-tempers right from birth. No matter what your child’s temperament, all people have choices when it comes to handling angry feelings. Parents play the crucial role in helping their children make healthy choices when it comes to anger expression. Consider (more…)

Listening Skills: The Most Powerful Relationship Tool

My  first job after graduate school was as a therapist for severely  socially and emotionally disturbed (SED) adolescents living in a group  setting. I was excited to learn everything I would need to know for the  position from the woman who interviewed and hired me, as she had a  reputation as a brilliant clinician. On my first day of work, however, I  learned that she had accepted a new position and would be leaving the  organization within two weeks. My opportunity to be mentored by her was  suddenly reduced to a week of training and a few days of farewell  celebrations.

Seinfeld Would Just Die: The Passive Aggressive Couple


Finding Kind: A Documentary Film about Friendship in Girl World


Some days, I troll around on Facebook browsing at the silly, fun goings-on in the lives of my friends.  Other days, I stumble upon the most interesting, powerful links.  Today was a lucky day–one that makes me ask: with all of my work around girl bullying, how did I not know about this group??  Please check out the Kind Campaign and their incredible documentary film, Finding Kind:


The 3 Best Things My Mother Ever Taught Me


This article of mine was originally posted on 5/9/11 on

Mothers are known for giving advice—both the asked for and the unsolicited kind. This year, I celebrate all of the wisdom that my own mom passed on to me through her words and more importantly, in her actions over the years:

Don’t Worry About What Others Think
My mother was the dance-in-the-aisles-of-the-supermarket kind of mom. The one who cheered too loudly at my cross-country meets and elbowed her way (more…)

>3 Steps for Improving Communication with a Passive Aggressive Spouse


>Check out this article about how to effectively confront passive aggressive behavior in your relationship, posted on Mom It Forward

Behavior: Improving Communication With Your Spouse

>John & Kate & a lot of Hate


>So, do you think John Gosselin’s being a little bit passive aggressive these days? Calling a 90-day halt to the divorce proceedings and draining the joint bank account right after he gets cut out of the TV show?

How about Kate’s PA behavior–making the rounds of the TV talk shows, badmouthing John, while claiming that she’s “only stating the facts…” and “just doing it so that her kids know the truth.”

Is Kate a great example of the type of personality that elicits passive aggressive behavior from others? In older episodes, do you recall seeing John’s passive aggression?

Share examples from episodes here…

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