Posts tagged teachers

Back to School 2015-16


All of my very best wishes for a successful school year to all of the teachers, counselors, administrators, and STUDENTS headed back to the classroom this week!


Begin the school year

What LSCI Training Offers to New (and Experienced!) Educators


“Get to know them, indulge your curiosity, spend time learning about who they are as human beings; the rest will follow. Your students will remember how you made them feel, whether they felt loved and cared for by you.”

Check out this great article from the folks at Edutopia that shares what one teacher wishes she had known at the beginning of her career:


Then, please visit to check out how this organization, which I have been affiliated with for 15 years, gives adults the skills they need to look beyond a student’s surface behavior and get to know the child within.

every child deserves a champion image


4 Essential Strategies for Stopping Bullying in Classrooms and Schools


Classroom teachers have everything to do with stopping bullying. There. I said it. I often hesitate to make this assertion so plainly when speaking to educators, fearing my next move will have to be fending off rotten tomatoes lobbed at my head by teachers who won’t stand for having yet another responsibility heaped onto their already-overflowing plates.


If the spoiled fruit ever were to be thrown my way, I would understand the sentiment, but the fact that they never are is a true testament to the tremendous job that most classroom teachers willingly take on every day of the school year. The teachers who are making a difference in the movement to stop bullying are engaged role models of kindness and expert masters of diplomacy. They are true champions of the underdog and astute shapers of peer culture. They are not afraid to be direct and to confront bullying behavior whenever they see it. These teachers are improving the lives of young people each and every day and demonstrating that time spent on bullying prevention is time saved on conflict, alienation, academic struggles, and victimization. What follows are four strategies for stopping bullying that effective teachers share in common:


Click here to read my article on the HuffingtonPost that explains four strategies effective teachers use to stop bullying in their classrooms and schools:


Educating children - Copy

“Nothing Comes from Nothing:” Important Questions for Educators to Bear in Mind



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