Archive for September, 2011

Sticks & Stones: A Four Year Old's First Experience with Bullying


Check me out on the Huff Post:

No, seriously, please check me out there.  It’s job security.

Read it.  Tweet it.  Share it.  Like it.

I’m so bossy.


Sticks & Stones: A Four Year Old’s First Experience with Bullying


Check me out on the Huff Post:

No, seriously, please check me out there.  It’s job security.

Read it.  Tweet it.  Share it.  Like it.

I’m so bossy.


Sweethearts and Heroes


Sweethearts and Heroes


Sweethearts and Heroes


Over the years, I have met the most interesting and inspiring people, working in the field of child and adolescent mental health.   Through my work in helping kids develop skills to cope effectively with bullying, this list has instantly multiplied!

Check out Sweethearts and Heroes, a most unique and engaging organization founded jointly by a professional MMA fighter and a teacher.  Through teacher training, parent presentations, and assemblies geared especially for middle and high school audiences, Sweethearts and Heroes is developing strategies to put an end to bullying.

 “Through knowledge and communication we are committed to bringing our message to individual communities; not only to help the victims, but especially to empower bystanders to make a difference.  We all have the potential to be someone’s hero.” 

Check this innovative non-profit out on Facebook and add them to your Favorite pages.  You can also read about one of their recent school presentations, and watch co-founder Tom Murphy in action here:

4 Rules for Using Assertive Communication to Stand Up to Bullies


As sure as kids will go back to school each Fall in the U.S., bullying will be encountered in the classroom each school year. In these early days of August and September classes, would-be bullies are getting a feel for who they think might be an easy mark in the class. As the days wear on and a bully confirms that he or she can pick on specific classmates without their standing up for themselves, the bullying escalates. (more…)

Friendship & Other Weapons cover


Mamas: Grab a Tissue, Then Read This…


…fantastic, funny, bittersweet, heartwarming post from the Pigtail Pals blog: 


Confessions of a Former Bully


In Friendship & Other Weapons, I feature an activity for girls based on Trudy Ludwig’s fantastic book, My Secret Bully.  The book is all about how bullying can be disguised as friendship and how particularly painful this type of subtle, hidden, “I Was Just Kidding” aggression can be.  My Secret Bully also offers kids great insights into how to cope with bullying effectively, from sharing experiences with trusted adults to standing up for themselves.  I love it–a definite favorite!

Trudy Ludwig’s most recent book, Confessions of a Former Bully, also provides great ideas and insights for handling bullying.  The following blog post, from the School Counselor Blog, talks about an activity that one school counselor has developed, based on Ludwig’s new work:

Pretty's Got Nothing To Do With It


You may have heard the furor over JC Penny’s recent back-to-school T-Shirt for girls that read, “I’m Too Pretty to do My Homework, So My Brother Has to do it for Me.”

Check out Pigtail Pals’ response, via their newest T-shirt design for little girls:

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