Archive for September, 2011
Sticks & Stones: A Four Year Old's First Experience with Bullying
5Check me out on the Huff Post:
No, seriously, please check me out there. It’s job security.
Read it. Tweet it. Share it. Like it.
I’m so bossy.
Mamas: Grab a Tissue, Then Read This…
4…fantastic, funny, bittersweet, heartwarming post from the Pigtail Pals blog:
Pretty's Got Nothing To Do With It
5You may have heard the furor over JC Penny’s recent back-to-school T-Shirt for girls that read, “I’m Too Pretty to do My Homework, So My Brother Has to do it for Me.”
Check out Pigtail Pals’ response, via their newest T-shirt design for little girls: